Friday, December 1, 2006

Canadian nationalism

Don Cherry a nationalist? When he's always saying Canada should do what the U. S. wants? Anyway, until someone can provide some evidence that he's a nationalist I have moved the following text here:

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Little Nadia John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald 13:07, 10 Nov 2004

:I agree. Cherry is not a nationalist. He has a North American, rather than a distinctly Canadian, identity. Virgin mobile ringtones Deleting Unnecessary Words/Deleting Unnecessary Words 01:45, 13 Nov 2004


:Trudeau was explicitly anti-nationalist. Surely his inclusion here is inappropriate and, at the very least, betrays a certain POV. Sweet Karine Deleting Unnecessary Words/Deleting Unnecessary Words 01:37, 13 Nov 2004

::You're right. The original I modified had a distinct POV, defining Canadian nationalism so it included pretty well anybody. Which is wht's happened to Canadian nationalism altogether, I suppose. Tracfone ringtones User:John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald

Cultural Nationalism

:Surely it is inappropriate to group the Christian Heritage Party and the Department of Canadian Heritage under the same cultural nationalist heading when the have almost exactly opposite points of view. Thoughts? Tasty Crisa Deleting Unnecessary Words/Deleting Unnecessary Words 01:43, 13 Nov 2004

::There's nothing in Crazy frog ringtone Christian Heritage Party of Canada which suggests that nationalism is a big priority for them. I'd say a government department doesn't belong here, but the definition used in this article is so broad it probably satisfies it. Perhaps we should be thinking about using a more conventional definition. Tasty Gina John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald 01:02, 23 Nov 2004


Bourassa wasn't a Canadian nationalist, was he?

:In fact he was. Cricket ringtones User:John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald

Arcand seems doubtful to me, too. Someone who worshipped a foreign leader seems unlikely to have been a nationalist. Tasty Tara John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald 13:25, 23 Nov 2004

Nationalist (Canada)

Somehow, this page had gone unnoticed by me until now. I think it should be merged with Cingular Ringtones Nationalist (Canada).

Also, Arcand was a reactionary who favored a federation-wide nationalism. Also, Trudeau may have been anti-nationalist when it was time to bash effects hospitals Quebec nationalism, but his political actions litterally contructed the current official image that Canada has of itself and that the federal government promotes inside and outside Canada (officially bilingual and multiculturalism). How could he be seen as the father of the modern Canadian nation while not being nationalist? poland actress Mathieugp/Mathieugp 03:15, 3 Dec 2004

:Good point. Why don't we add some nuance by suggesting that there are ethnic nationalists and civic nationalists, and that someone like Trudeau could oppose one form of nationalism while supporting the other? for henry Deleting Unnecessary Words/Deleting Unnecessary Words 20:08, 3 Dec 2004

Mr. Trudeau's position on Arctic sovereignty shows how little of a nationalist he was. In ''The Canadian Way'' he even claims that by the 1970s Canada had made no territorial claim in the Arctic – that of course justifying his innovative policy of making Canada the janitor in charge of the Arctic.

Of course, given the broadness of the general definition of nationalism, Mathieu is perfectly right if the broad conception is what we're talking about. If we're using the usual Canadian understanding of the term I think the answer's different, and one problem I see with the article is it glosses over the narrower definition. D. U. W. is right about the article needing nuance. vigilant as John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald 17:46, 7 Dec 2004

:Is there a usual Canadian understanding of the term? I would suspect that people in Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec would all have different understandings of nationalism. film of Deleting Unnecessary Words/Deleting Unnecessary Words 17:59, 8 Dec 2004

::Fair enough. I do think, however, that most Canadians would consider Mr. Trudeau less of a nationalist than carelessness by James Laxer, say. Most Canadians who had ever heard of them, I mean. I guess what I would really like to see in the article is acknowledgment that Canadian nationalism can be defined in a way which does not classify every Canadian as a nationalist. It would probably be a good idea if I want that for me to do some research, eh? No doubt there are definitive publications.

:::I agree. As it stands, any prominent Canadian seems to be considered a Canadian nationalist in this article. Otherwise, why are Chrétien and Joe Clark included? somehow resented Deleting Unnecessary Words/Deleting Unnecessary Words 20:28, 8 Dec 2004

::Something else which might be included is the current trend to identify English-Canadian nationalism with anti-Americanism. There are probably no definitive publications about that, though. whole embryos John FitzGerald/Fils de Gérald 19:21, 8 Dec 2004

:::I agree that we need some mention of anti-Americanism. J.L. Granatstein's Yankee Go Home? is probably the closest we have to a definitive text. harpercollins but Deleting Unnecessary Words/Deleting Unnecessary Words 20:28, 8 Dec 2004

::::Thanks for the suggestion. I'll have a look. Anti-Americanism has always been an important foundation of English-Canadian nationalism (the War of 1812 and all that) but these days it seems to have little other content. universities in John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald 14:41, 9 Dec 2004

:I also agree with Mathieu that the articles would be better merged. Which is easy for me to say, since I think Mathieu and D.U.W. are more up the job than I, and I'll be limiting my contribution to cheering them on from the sidelines. vintage disapproves User:John FitzGerald/John FitzGerald

This article reads like someone just plunked the text of some college essay into here. It deserves a cleanup and an attempt to make the content more even-handed. define some user:J.J.